Wednesday, June 20, 2007



Comprehensive evaluation requires an awareness of the strengths and needs students bring to the classroom. Before instruction begins, this information may be gathered from such sources as interest inventories, cumulative records, teacher-teacher, parent-teacher and student-teacher conferences, and pre-testing. This type of evaluation, referred to as pre-instructional, can be used to plan properly.

The most valuable type of evaluation occurs during the instructional process. Formative evaluation focuses upon the process as well as the products of learning. Its main function is to document progress and identify impediments to learning such that they can be corrected or remediated as soon as possible. The results of any formative evaluation should be feedback immediately to the student. Although the sources of formative evaluation data are varied, a very important one is teacher observation. Research suggests that self-assessment is also very important as part of formative evaluation.

Summative evaluation is used to grade or certify students after instruction has taken place. Teachers should use a variety of tools when evaluating students. The tendency to average formative results should be avoided. The nature of the learner and the learning outcomes provide a focus for teaching and learning. Comprehensive data provided by varied assessment and evaluation practices guide the teacher in the selection of appropriate instructional approaches to ensure achievement of intended outcomes. Such data also assists:

• students to monitor and improve their learning;
• parents to support that learning;
• the school system to determine program effectiveness.

Concerns regarding the attainment of educational outcomes in general and levels of student performance in particular have contributed to a public awareness of and expectations for increased accountability within the educational system. Learning outcomes provide a common vision for educators, learners and parents by ensuring consistent expectations. The stated outcomes become the framework for teaching and learning, as well as the basis of assessment and evaluation.


Mimi McKaskill said...

Having a background in exceptional student education, I can relate to the various types of evaluative methods and their purposes.
As you stated evaluation provides an educator the means of utilizing an array of techniques by which to gather this valuable student information, as well as a varied approach at relating it based on need.

Anonymous said...

Teacher attrition is a huge problem, especially in Florida where teachers wages are so poor. I have done research on this issue as well. Some of the contributing factors for teacher attrition include poor wages, discipline problems, and poor professional development. Other research shows that teachers are not trained properly in cooleges and universities and get frustrated due to lack of training. Nonetheless, our nation needs to take action and prioritize education. Let's start with making our teachers happy!

margaret said...


Empowerment is an important attribute for school organizations in that it helps teachers and other staff members to buy into the school's mission and vision. Empowering teachers through the mechanism of professional learning communities enables teachers to make valuable contributions in decision making, planning and organizing school curriculum and activities.

When teachers and other staff members have a voice, they grow as professionals, they help to tell the school story outside the school walls, as well as help to build safe school climate, and build positive school culture.

Empowered employees help to inculcate new employees to the organizations values and goal,which aids in keeping the successes and other positive elements in place .

Finally, all of this supports in producing students who achieve.

Anonymous said...

We need to empower our staff to ensure that they can take ownership and have a sense of belonging.Many leaders experienced resistance because teachers and other staff members felt isolated. By empowering our staff we build capacity with the organization. We empower our employees by making them accountable for various tasks.